Re: Missing features/bugs, 5 of them.

In the specific csse, you want to cut the content of the TD not the TD

Charles McCN

On 11 Jun 1999, Paul Derbyshire wrote:
  4. Table edit is crufty in Amaya 2.0a. Specifically, one situation that
     is tricky is changing two columns on a row to two rows with one column
     each. Cut either td element. Then make a new row, paste the td into it.
     It should do what you want but fails, for Amaya pastes in your cut td,
     and then adds a second, blank td for no reason. (Stray CR/LF in the
     cut?) To make the table neat and rectangular, it adds a td on the other
     row too. This would be okay except that it adds it *before* the pre-
     existing td. Now you have a table like a checker-board. You can't
     delete either blank td. The only workaround seems to be splitting the
     whole table in two (with copy/paste) and then copying their lone
     tr/td/stuff and pasting as two rows into a *third* table and deleting
     the first two.

Received on Sunday, 13 June 1999 16:32:26 UTC