Re: Missing features/bugs, 5 of them.

On Fri, Jun 11, 1999 at 07:42:23PM -0600, Paul Derbyshire wrote:
> 1. Drag and drop image/HTML files into browser to view (and in the case
>    of HTML to edit). It works in IE, Frontpage Exploder, Netscape, and
>    Netscrap Composer, why not Amaya? (This might not be implementable in
>    Unix/X, only Win32 platforms...oh well. Better some than none.)

Actually, there is a standard Drag'N'Drop protocol for X-windows now.

	*** Xanni ***
--                         Andrew Pam                       Chief Scientist, Xanadu                   Technical Editor, Glass Wings                   Manager, Serious Cybernetics
P.O. Box 26, East Melbourne VIC 8002 Australia  Phone +61 3 9419-2989

Received on Saturday, 12 June 1999 13:11:09 UTC