Need force XML on loading XML document

Although Amaya 2.0a doesn't appear to be able to parse XML yet,
it does know about .xml and possibly the equivalent media type.

However, when I tried it on a piece of XML from one of the earliest uses
of XML, an IE4 channel definition file, it put up a save as dialogue.

It seems to me that XML will often come with a custom media type, so
the ability to force a URL to be parsed as XML would be desirable once 
XML parsing is properly implemented.

(Incidentally it hung - menus were live, but stop, exit and end task were 
ineffective when I tried to load the CDF (renamed as .xml) from the local
disk.  I've had several hangs like this on other documents with Win32
v 2.0a.)

Received on Tuesday, 1 June 1999 11:18:23 UTC