I forgot something...

        Oh!I`m very sorry about the last mail I wrote.
In my last mail I told you that when I used the arrow buttons to move around
the already loaded pages,Amaya always launched a second browser (one each
time I pushed the button),well this usually happens,but it's not completely
correct.I mean,that happens everytime but only when I modify a document,then
the browser always launches a second one instead of showing me a message
asking if I want to save the last modifications or continue losing the new
data.I am sorry about the mistake.
        Just one more thing,is there any button or something which forces
the browser not to display the images?.

        Sincerely :


Juan I.Santos Florido 
e-mail:   jbgood@arrakis.es 

Received on Thursday, 7 November 1996 18:25:15 UTC