Re: role mapping rules when context is broken

Hi Alex,

On 2015-11-03 11:46 AM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
> Hi, Joseph. I'm good to have a generic role


> , but in general I don't see the benefits of having an accessible for 
> it as long as some generic ARIA attributes are not applied to it.

Neither do I.  If the element is truly "semantic free" -- no aria, no 
events, and completely insignificant -- then it could be left out of the 
tree.  I just thought that it was too much of a performance hit to 
determine that it's a nothing.

>> There's a similar error regarding abstract roles and their mapping. 
>> The rule there is that browsers MUST NOT map an abstract role [2, 
>> item 2], but it doesn't say what to do.  It looks like FF gives uses 
>> the element's role mapping in that case.  For example, <p 
>> role="command"> is mapped as ROLE_PARAGRAPH, and <div role="command"> 
>> is mapped as ROLE_SECTION.
> Iirc I argued about this rule in the past. It's extra work for the 
> browser to ignore these roles and there's no point for the user to use 
> them. I believe those roles should fall into ordinal unknown role 
> processing.

I'm not sure what you mean by "ordinal unknown role processing". Are you 
referring to the case where the role's value is unknown?  In that case, 
the directive is to fall back on the element's role, according to item 3 
in the role mapping general rules [1].  If that's what you mean, I could 
add wording to that effect to the abstract role case (item 2).


(Item 3)


'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
            - G. Bernhardt -

Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2015 18:02:35 UTC