Re: Summarizing the contentious history of re-opened PFWG-ISSUE-348: Consider renaming (now actually 'deprecating' in ARIA 1.1) role="presentation" to avoid avoid author confusion

Cynthia Shelly <> wrote:
> It can sometimes it can be difficult to teach, especially to people who
> don't really know the difference between null, empty string, none, blank and
> space.  There are many such people creating web content, though they are
> less likely to deal with aria than with alt.
> Other than that issue, I've always been ok with alt="".  Does anyone recall
> why people dislike it?

There may be some who think it should be possible simply to omit the alt value
entirely, and that alt="" is an unnecessary work-around for the fact that in
HTML 4, this wasn't allowed. In HTML 5, omission is permitted (mapped to ARIA
role=image, whereas alt="" maps to role=presentation).

Received on Wednesday, 29 January 2014 09:34:35 UTC