Re: A presentational img?

Steve Faulkner, Tue, 10 May 2011 21:56:51 +0100:
> hi james,
>>what about an explicit alt="" inside a link?
>><a href="/path/about_us.html"><img src="contact.png" alt=""></a>
> not sure in what sense you mean 'what about'

Oh, come on: The centre issue is that if the empty alt="" should be 
seen equal to role="presentation", then AT has no legitimate reason to 
look at the file name of the IMG element. And also no reason to look 
into the IMG's @title attribute, if it had had one.

> its certainly an author error, in this case, since the accessible 
> name for the link is derived from its content and its content is 
> absent, then a heusristic is to announce the href 
> NVDA goes one better and just announces the linked file name "about_us"

Then perhaps you can add a @title attribute to the IMG in James's 
example and tell us what NVDA reads? (VoiceOver then reads the @title 
of the image as the link tex, and nothing more.)
Leif H Silli

Received on Tuesday, 10 May 2011 21:10:20 UTC