Re: A presentational img?

Steve Faulkner, Tue, 10 May 2011 21:48:17 +0100:
> hi james, 
> so currently this
> <img src="contact.png" role="presentation"  title="contact">
> results in this:
> firefox/IE - MSAA  img not in acc tree no acc name exposed
> safari - AX img not in acc tree no acc name exposed.
> should this be considered a bug?

I don't understand why you ask. But my answer is that it should (of 
course) *not* be considered a bug - it is as it should be. Do you see 
any inconsistency or problems with that viewpoint?

May be it should be considered an authoring error to operate with that 
markup - may be a HTML5 validator should cry out. However, the question 
about what is valid and meaningful, is another issue than the question 
about the effect of role="presentation".
Leif Halvard Silli

Received on Tuesday, 10 May 2011 21:04:14 UTC