Re: SVG 1.2 working draft comments

>1. Focus - What elements is the Focusable property applicable to?

All renderable ones according to my reading.

>What they do not do is define how the user agent maps these definitions to
>the accessibility interoperability layer. Basically, the definitions are
>adHoc and do not provide pre-defined mappings to standard Accessible roles
>on the target platform. An assistive technology would have to guess what
>the purpose of these definitions are.

The sXBL specification specifically says that only "known" XML vocabularies 
should be used, the obvious one is X-Forms of course, but any XML vocab that 
the AT can understand should be used.

>4. If sXBL is not employed, how are semantics like role information derived
>for the assistive technolgy? See the DHTML accessibility roadmap.

It would be very nice if such things as DHTML accessibility roadmaps were 
not member confidential, it would really help in understanding where DHTML 
accessibility progressing, particularly as the script guidelines from other 
WAI groups are so simplistic for anyone with any experience in the area.


Received on Wednesday, 8 December 2004 18:36:37 UTC