browser extension options

I would like some people to check what I said on the telecon

We were talking about table linearization.  Jon said you can
script it and have it included in the context menu.  Daniel
brought up the issue about how HTML linkage to scripts must be in
the particular page, one can't just have a resident script that
hits all pages.

I probably should have let Jon explain.  Anyway, I said that the
extension mechanism Jon was referring to was not via an
ECMASCRIPT script invoked from the HTML page but by the use of
something else such as VBscript in the extension interface of the
tool -- a proprietary but available means for third-party
creation and separate distribution.  And it doesn't have to be
integrated with the screen reader.

Note: to the extent that DOM objects can be selected
programmatically, and the current selection sensed through the
DOM, various versions of table navigation can also be implemented
in this fashion.  No?


----- excerpts from Forwarded message from Daniel Dardailler -----

Message-Id: <>
From: Daniel Dardailler <>
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 19:20:17 +0100
Subject: Minutes Dec 9 telecon

Jon : can attach a right click script to do linearization
Danield: don't know how to do that
Al: different from JavaScript applied to all pages, it's VBscript

Ian: should we ask that both linearization and navigation be
     implemented or just one.
Al: they are different are both needed
Ian: then they do not adress the same issue/goal ?


Danield: somewhow navigation is more important because it has to be
    done tightly coupled with the browser

----- End of forwarded message from Daniel Dardailler -----

Received on Wednesday, 9 December 1998 15:23:25 UTC