behavior reuse

Maybe table linearization is something that "the browser" can
punt to add-on modules that access the DOM.  But scripting won't
work to disseminate this to a mass of users because of the strict
scoping rules for scripts.

There needs to be some way for the user to express trust in the
third-party widget that de-table-izes the DOM image of the
document, so it gets applied systmatically across all pages
without having to fake up an enclosing frameset or so on.

There is a "behavior sheet" submission to the W3C for behavior
reuse.  Maybe we need to ask the browsers to be out in the market
ahead of the consensus format on this one.  If scripting is to be
an acceptable solution for table re-flow, then there has to be
some way for the user to inject this script through the browser
without messing with specific pages.


Received on Thursday, 26 November 1998 11:21:13 UTC