Point of regard, navigating elements

My take on what's going on with point of regard:

Point of regard is the collection of things in the users 'view' - 
the window for a graphic browser.

I think that this is not what everyone else thinks. (Which is relevant to 
what I wrote to Marja

I think what everyone else thinks is that the viewport is the window, and 
the point of regard is whatever is focussed/selected/at the insertion 
point. Can somebody clarify this a bit? (Ian?)

And more importantly:
the user must be able to navigate element by element - not just headers 
and links, but from one element to another. This would enable table 
navigation straight away, in a simple manner. That would also allow a 
compromise on table linearisation - to get decent context information for 
a cell it is necessary to have a better linearised table, which will 
probably then get shifted to 3rd party requirement.

Charles McCathieNevile

Received on Wednesday, 11 November 1998 13:14:30 UTC