Re: Events

I think that we should have guidelines that say develop accessible user
interfaces.  Mouse based input is not inherently bad.  It is only "bad"
when the author (programmer) does not also have keyboard equivalents that
are visible to the user.   Therefore the guidelines I think should talk
aboutcreating an accessible user interface, not a mouseless one.


At 05:07 AM 10/29/98 +1100, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>The discussion on PAGL was about logical events (those which specified a 
>function) as opposed to device-dependent events.
>The division below was the list as it stands. It occurred to me that we
>could easily enough add onActivate - corresponding in a mouse interface to
>onClick, and to pressing return to activate the item with focus in a
>keyboard interface. 
>I'm not sure about the rest, but I suspect that onMouseDown, onMouseUp,
>onKeyDown, onKeyUp and onMouseMove are related to selecting a part of the
>document. In determining how to do that we are likely to sort out the
>relationship between the current device-dependent attributes and new
>'logical' event triggers that can be triggered from various interfaces (eg
>Which seems to me to leave onMouseOut and onDblClick out in the cold. One 
>of the consequences of this is that we should recommend against using 
>those events which we are likely to lose (except for providing 'eye-candy' 
>- stuff that has no functional importance) and make suggestions about how 
>the rest might be used in the page authoring guidelines. (have i said 
>this before on this group? if so, sorry)
>Charles McCathieNevile
>Chris is right, so for the sake of completeness I looked up all the event
>attributes again.  Those which I think are device-dependent, and we should
>recommend not be used are: 
>onMousedown, onMouseup, onMouseover, onMousemove, onMouseout, onKeydown, 
>onKeyup, onKeypress, onClick, onDblclick
>Those which seem to be logical events are:
>onFocus, onBlur, onSelect, onChange, onSubmit, onReset, onLoad, onUnload.
>It should also be possible to define something like 'onActivate' - which 
>would be equivalent to onClick for a link, but I guess this belongs to 
>other groups.
>Charles McCathieNevile
Jon Gunderson, Ph.D., ATP
Coordinator of Assistive Communication and Information Technology
Division of Rehabilitation - Education Services
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
1207 S. Oak Street
Champaign, IL 61820

Voice: 217-244-5870
Fax: 217-333-0248

Received on Thursday, 29 October 1998 09:40:45 UTC