on events with different UA ???

The draft Jon circulated 12 hours ago:

1. Sequential keyboard access to explicit events associated 
with an element. [+P1][+Tnav-dhtml-sequential] 
2. Direct keyboard access to explicit events associated with an element.
3. Keyboard equivalents for simulating mouse explicit events.

For reference to what we are discussing, the list of "on..." event 
attributes in HTML 4.0 are:

 onblur      %Script; #IMPLIED -- the element lost the focus --
 onfocus     %Script; #IMPLIED -- the element got the focus --
 onkeydown   %Script; #IMPLIED -- a key was pressed down --
 onkeypress  %Script; #IMPLIED -- a key was pressed & released --
 onkeyup     %Script; #IMPLIED -- a key was released --

 ondblclick  %Script; #IMPLIED -- a pointer button was 
 onmousedown %Script; #IMPLIED -- a pointer button was pressed down --
 onmouseup   %Script; #IMPLIED -- a pointer button was released --
 onmousemove %Script; #IMPLIED -- a pointer was moved within --
 onmouseout  %Script; #IMPLIED -- a pointer was moved away --
 onmouseover %Script; #IMPLIED -- a pointer was moved onto --
 onselect    %Script; #IMPLIED -- some text was selected --
 onchange    %Script; #IMPLIED -- the element value was changed --

 onsubmit    %Script; #IMPLIED -- the form was submitted --
 onreset     %Script; #IMPLIED -- the form was reset --
 onload      %Script; #IMPLIED -- the document has been loaded --    
 onunload    %Script; #IMPLIED -- the document has been removed --

Many of the above apply to most all the element types.

In a mouse-free environment I doubt that there is a 1:1 correspondence 
with the alternative mouse/cursor/focus/select mode of control. So, 
some keyboard sequence maps to the particular "on..." event.
How is this conveyed to a UA, and to a user?

It is unlikely that the same keyboard sequence (including various
Ctrl/Shift/Alt concurrent keys) are appropriate for voice commands.

Is it correct that the single script named in the CDATA of any 
of those %Script; must handle the variety of responders for the 
different media?

If so, does some pre-processor have to map from the keyboard/voice command
onto the proper "on..." attributes identifying the %Script; and supplying
the same information (positional, and select/focus/blur) as if it came as a
result of some prior or current mouse/select/keypress/etc. to process that
request for action with the single specified %Script; .

How does one substitute a different set of scripts? Can their names be 
indirect, so a user preference set of scripts can participate in determining 
which particular scripts are to be used/substituted for the specified one?

Is it our job to anticipate how this mapping might be done? or only that
a mapping is required? or that alternative, more appropriate %Script;
might be substituted for the particular usage command set/presentation form?


Received on Thursday, 15 October 1998 01:06:27 UTC