Re: SMIL: draft items for UA guidelines

On Wed, Sep 30 1998 Judy Brewer wrote:
> #3. SMIL needs to be extended to be able to handle audio descriptions of
> video images (see sample of suggested code below) -- Agreed, and the method
> you propose looks good to me, although I would want to be sure that it is a
> solution that is easy to implement. Could other people please review and
> comment on this - Philipp, George, Geoff? ...I also think that we need a
> mechanism for text descriptions of video images, which my original draft
> didn't deal with adequately.

Regarding the implementability of this you ask about, our implementors
say this the processing of the audio description attribute is trivial
to implement, primarily because all the hard problems of audio
description, mostly the timing and pausing and synchronizing, are
already required to be solved in players of SMIL 1.0.


Lloyd Rutledge                                         vox: +31 20 592 41 27
CWI (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica)             fax: +31 20 592 41 99
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Received on Thursday, 1 October 1998 08:26:09 UTC