Re: [External Email]Jaws Not Reading Alt-Text That's in a Graphic

On 16/03/2023 14:41, Wilcox, Lisa - REE-ERS wrote:
> Looking at the code, the person inserted two sets of double quotes. They need to remove a set so that JAWS can read it.

If the code has been copied and pasted correctly, there is only one pair 
of quotes, the outer pair, that have any syntactic significance, for 
HTML.   The XML quote character (as used in HTML, at least) is U+0022. 
The pretty quotes, U+201C and U+201D, are just normal characters.  I've 
tried to check the specification, in case there is problem with the 
implementation of the concept that invalid HTML should still try to do 
what was intended, and it seems to confirm that only U+0022 is 
significant in a a double quoted string 

Received on Thursday, 16 March 2023 15:05:17 UTC