Re: Jaws Not Reading Alt-Text That's in a Graphic

Hi David,

I spotted what I thought was the problem, the HTML has incorrect or likely problematic declaration for the value of the ALT attribute.

The ALT attribute for the image is

Speech mark

Double quotes open

My soul, my soul, must sing!

Double quotes close

Speech mark

So I thought that would be the problem (it surely must be), but my NVDA is apparently reading it out OK anyway..?

Perhaps old NVDA has a problem, and JAWS, and the latest NVDA is somehow able to deal with the incorrect code.


. . . . -   . . - - -
Alan Bristow ( he / him / il )
Web Developer / Développeur Web
Elections Canada / Élections Canada
+1 873-416-1175

From: David Van Der Molen <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 4:56 PM
Subject: Jaws Not Reading Alt-Text That's in a Graphic

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Hi everyone.

I am a totally blind registered Jaws user. The CEO of the organization
for which I work publishes a blog. He's told me that he has completed
the alt-text field for the image that's in the post at the following link:

When I get to the graphic, Jaws reads the title of the post, and then
says "graphic."

I'm using the latest build of Jaws 2023. I've also tried NVDA, and I get
the same result. I'm running Windows 10 and am using Firefox and Chrome.

Is there something wrong with the way the alt-text is inserted into the
blog post? Is there a setting in Jaws that I need to check, so that the
alt-text is read?

Thanks in advance for your help with this!


David Van Der Molen

Received on Thursday, 16 March 2023 14:44:56 UTC