Good accessibility practice for handling footnotes

Hello all,

I just wondered if there was an approved good practice for the use of accessible footnotes. We have some articles on our website that carry footnotes (currently numbered) that point to links further down the page.

Currently, a typical fragment looks a bit like this:
<p>Content in here<a href="#_ftn2" title="">[2]</a>.</p>

Then the footnote further down the page:
<p class="MsoFootnoteText"><a href="#_ftnref2" title="">[2]</a> the content source web link</p>

Would using the aria-describedby attribute as detailed by this writer be the best way forward? See

I am guessing this scenario would affect research and education websites like ours rather than being a more general requirement.

If anyone can advise that would be great and then I can look at making it so (Jean-Luc Picard style).

Thank you, and sorry about all my questions!

With kind regards,

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