Re: Good accessibility practice for handling footnotes

Hi Everyone,

I have been keeping track of this email thread as I am currently investigating how to make the ‘References’ section on the digital publishing platform that I work on more accessible. The references are all grouped together at the end of each paper, and each individual reference has a backlink to the reference in the body of the article. I am struggling to figure out how to properly code a group of endnotes that each have a backlink. I have been drafting out the markup for endnotes in a Codepen<>.

In Example 5 on the notes page<>, it is recommended to include a backlink after the endnote, but this is an example of a single endnote. Is it expected to follow this setup for multiple endnotes, because I thought it was bad practice to have multiple links with the same link text, which went to different locations?

For more context, here is a live example of a paper with references<> on the platform I work on. References are a collapsed at the end of the page.

Thank you

Jordan Rogers
UI Developer

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From: "" <>
Date: Monday, 2 August 2021 at 16:53
To: 'Peter Weil' <>, 'Bryan Garaventa' <>, 'Louise Lister' <>, "" <>
Subject: RE: FW: Good accessibility practice for handling footnotes
Resent from: <>
Resent date: Monday, 2 August 2021 at 16:48


In our Transition to Accessible EPUB 3 working group (not a W3C working group, we are documenting support in browsers and EPUB reading systems. We plan to publish a set of suggested voiced values that enhance semantics. For example a h2 that is a chapter title could also say “chapter.


From: Peter Weil <>
Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 6:34 AM
To: 'Bryan Garaventa' <>; 'Louise Lister' <>;;
Subject: Re: FW: Good accessibility practice for handling footnotes

Thanks Bryan and Matt.

Does anyone know why are these aria-roles are documented separately from the roles developers are probably more familiar with in<>? If they are usable in the web context, it seems as though they deserve some mention in the latter (unless I’ve missed something).

Also, do these roles communicate any information directly to the user, or only to the assistive technologies users might be using?


Peter Weil, Web Developer
University Marketing
University of Wisconsin–Madison<>
(m) 608-220-3089
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