Re: More data on accesskeys (New article written Nov. 1)

Andy Mabbett wrote:
>>>         <link rel="home" href="">
>>>         <link rel="search" href="">
>> I agree with the concept, but I don't agree with using the <link> 
> element.
> Why on Earth not (and that *is * the concept, BTW)?

As I saw it, the concept was the use of the rel attributes to provide 
the semantics, not specifically the use of the <link> element.

The <a> element should be used here instead because there's usually 
always a link to the homepage using an <a> somewhere on the page, so you 
may as well use that.  Also, <link> is often invisible metadata (without 
the widely unused link toolbars), and so should generally be avoided in 
favour of <a> where possible.

> If, for example, the author has used <link rel="home"> then they have, de 
> facto, specified the home page, in relation to the page being viewed.

How is that functionally different from <a rel="home">?

> Why should three not be an easy way for a keyboard user to reach that page?

There should be, but why does it have to use link?

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Friday, 3 November 2006 17:32:15 UTC