Re: Empty alt tags


On Fri, 22 Feb 2002, Ineke van der Maat wrote:

> Can somebody explain me what an alt tag is? Is there something like
> <alt>blablabla</alt>?? And how to use this correctly??  In the faq I

alt tag (or attribute or whatever <grin>) is a way to add a textual
description for a picture like:

<img src="mypic.gif" alt="some text describing the picture">

It's useful for those who can't see and are using a screen reader to
access your pages.

	        ---- Using Linux since 1993 ----

Mr. Petri Laatunen		        E-Mail:
Computer programmer      		GSM: +358-40-5471456
Linux user since 1994!			Web:
=============<To do nothing is better than doing it false>============

Received on Friday, 22 February 2002 08:57:03 UTC