Re: Creating accessible tables for layout and data

At 12:28 30.1.2002 +0000, Jim Byrne wrote:
>I want to get it right - so if it is clear to you how what the best approach
>is please point me in the right direction.

My apologies for being vague. Since the alt text topic has been rather 
thoroughly discussed in the past years, I didn't bother to write the 
solution  but decided to rather just point out the problem. I should've at 
least included an URI for further reading. Well, I'll make up for that now :-)

Yes, I really mean that the purely decorative images should have an empty 
alt text. Without giving further explanations, I suggest you spend some 
time with Alan J. Flavell's and Jukka Korpela's articles on the topic, 
which are rather good presentations of both the theoretical aspects and the 
practical issues related to alts and their browser implementations.

Best regards,


Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2002 09:23:09 UTC