Different faces of the same issue

I am sure everyone on this list is here for one and one reason only, they
care about web accessibility and in my view that makes them all pretty good

I for one fully respect the depth of technical knowledge that Kynn brings to
the group, the legal and social knowledge brought by Cynthia and Martin the
facility with words and ability to consider issues and express views of Jon
and of Charles Munat and the unswerving commitment to the actual users with
disabilities that has been shown by Bob and Jonathon.

Each person brings their own area to the group and through this the ability
to show us all differing aspects that we may not have considered or felt

I make no apologies for the fact that I have a user focussed view of
websites and a strong belief that people with disabilities have an absolute
right to participate in all aspects of life as fully as it is possible for
them to do so.  I honestly belief that this belief is probably central to
many of us even Kynn who otherwise would not have spent the effort he has in
gaining the degree of technical knowledge he has.

Sadly there is a tendency for all of us to close up into our little groups
and defend vigorously our little territories whenever something threatens
them. This really stops us all making the fullest possible use of this list.
I must plead guilty to this too, I was intending to do one of Kynns courses
over this summer break but haven't because although I value strongly Kynn's
depth of technical knowledge just couldn't bring myself to opening myself to
several weeks of being called an idiot or being denigrated for begging to
question something in an attempt to learn. The trouble is by this I am the
one who really loses as do people with disabilities that my increased
knowledge could have benefited.

Lets try to look at the other person's area but never forget that we are all
here because we really do care.

This is one time I wish I had Charles's facility with words as I feel what I
am saying is important but am not sure if I expressed it well enough.

Harry Woodrow

Received on Saturday, 19 January 2002 00:00:48 UTC