Re: Legal requirements RE: statistics

David wrote:
> Let's take another analogy:
> I am 3 feet 9 inches tall and will never get any taller.  The houses I
> look at and can afford are built to speck but I cannot live in them
> because the storage is too high, the sinks are too tall etc.

That's a different analogy.  Someone using Netscape 4 _can_ get taller.
Let's say you're 3 foot 9, but just by a relatively easy process you
can get some magic growth drug, which is free, but your boss refuses
to sign off on your request for the drug.  The problem is your boss,
it's not the houses you consider buying.

In other words:  bad analogy.


Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2002 14:06:58 UTC