Re: more CSS and tables

Actually the point I was arguing is that "works better" is a badly defined
idea. For my purposes, it tends not to mean anything much like "looks the
same everywhere", and means something a lot more like "actually works welll

I do agree with Kynn that if I was serving content according to capabilities
and preferences there would be some cases where I might use tables to make
the look closer for a few browsers. But in most cases I wouldn't bother - the
first adpatiation I would make would be to serve a simple style sheet that
didn't do the layout to anything that didn't handle real CSS.


On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, Kynn Bartlett wrote:

  By the way, just to clarify something:

  In general, I think it's better to use CSS layouts rather than table
  layouts, whenever possible.  CSS layouts are better in a number of

  But the question was "which works better for older browsers?" -- not
  "which is more flexible" or "which will give you more control" or
  "which works better in newer browsers."  I think it's pretty clear
  that if you're talking about older browsers, table layout is better
  supported than CSS.


Received on Sunday, 6 January 2002 20:42:04 UTC