Re: Washington Post

At 06:53 a.m. 11/18/98 -0500, Ultranet wrote:
>If Mr.. Raspberry is following this discussion he must be greatly amused.  I
>find it hard to believe that so much attention is being devoted to his
>bigotry. Unfortunately he may be right about getting a grip.  Give the 'man'
>an Archie Bunker award and move on.

I disagree; I think that his bigotry needs to be challenged and
refuted, especially since he's making absolutely outlandish
statements in a national (international?) forum that's likely 
read by US lawmakers.

Do we _really_ want, the next time electronic (or other) access
for the disabled comes up in Congress, for our representatives to
think back to how it's "common sense" that the blind should be 
restricted from using the web?  I sure don't fancy that idea.

Kynn Bartlett  <>   
Chief Technologist & Co-Owner, Idyll Mountain Internet; Fullerton, California
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Received on Wednesday, 18 November 1998 12:36:15 UTC