Re: D-link and LONGDESC (GL type stuff)

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>IMG SRC="dlinkk.gif" ALT="D" is not all that helpful. but IMG 
>SRC="D-link.gif" ALT="D-link" (As I wrote) should be clear to anybody who 
>understands a d-link. (That of course does not include the whole world, 
>but there are also many people who don't understand how to use a 

Just out of curiosity, where do you propose the general web audience
becomes educated as to understanding a D-link, whether or not they have
need of the link themselves? Please answer privately if this is not germane
to public discussion.

Ree' Dolloff

Received on Thursday, 23 April 1998 19:14:25 UTC