Re: D-link

I think this is germane to public discussion.

I would suggest that people who teach, or write about, how to use the 
web should be including the use of D-links in their discussion, in the 
same way that they ought to be teaching the use of bookmarking, turning 
off images, etc.

Unfortunately in the real world I have noticed a strong tendency for 
people to assume that these things are 'plug and play' to the point that 
anything they need to know will be immediately obvious, and reading 
instructions is strictly for people who don't have enough to do.

I have also discovered that many people can not find very basic 
information because it is not there, or is dressed up in terms which 
require the level of understanding that they can only have when they have 
read and understood the instructions - a nasty circular trap.

We constantly need to remind ourselves that what is second nature to us 
is as incomprehensible as magic to others. But how we make that knowledge 
available to 'the general public' (TM) is not very clear to me.

I think this is particularly relevant to the Education and Outreach (EO) 

Charles McCathieNevile

On Thu, 23 Apr 1998, R. Dolloff wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, where do you propose the general web audience
> becomes educated as to understanding a D-link, whether or not they have
> need of the link themselves? Please answer privately if this is not germane
> to public discussion.
> Ree' Dolloff

Received on Thursday, 23 April 1998 19:33:07 UTC