RE: Visible controls updates

> "Indicator" means "to show that something exists". But what I think this needs to express is "show where something can be found". I think the current wording does that by using the word "identify". For me, the new wording does not require that users need to some indicator of how to reveal the hidden component.

From the wording, I understand it the other way around. If either of the two phrases has a greater implication of 'where' something is, it would be the indicator phrasing.

If I left an "indicator" for buried treasure, that could be written (e.g. 5 paces east from the big tree in the middle of the field), or it could be an "X marks the spot".
If I left the "information needed to identify" buried treasure, there is no greater requirement from that phrasing. If anything, that phrasing makes me think I could leave a picture of the treasure with no clue as to where it was. (You'll know it when you find it!)

Several people have commented about how much clearer the new phrasing is, which is why I'm arguing the case.



Received on Monday, 15 November 2021 17:00:02 UTC