Re: Re[2]: SC Managers and success criteria review

>From what I can tell the metadata SC meets most of the checks. There are
two missing that I can tell.

-works on all technologies: may need to scope for markup languages?
-Implementation:  I believe that is a future scenario, which is why it is
proposed at AAA in 2.1. Not well supported yet.

David MacDonald

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On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 12:42 PM, Katie Haritos-Shea <>

> Also,
> For the Accessibility Metadata SC none of the supporting materials have
> been worked on yet, as it only got added by ePub on Dec 1, so just look at
> the suggested SC text for that proposed SC for now please.
> Also the actiond snd reactions above indicste exactly why we need to meet
> as a group and discuss each SC together.
> Katie Haritos-Shea
> 703-371-5545 <(703)%20371-5545>
> On Dec 15, 2016 10:57 AM, "" <>
> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> Thanks for coming up with this way of looking at/presenting the candidate
>> SCs, these suggestions are helpful and will be useful for this next
>> important phase.
>> We are a little concerned that the estimations recorded in this
>> spreadsheet, such as in 'Details',  may be perceived as the consensus of
>> the group.  We  believe that this is not your intention, and that you wish
>> to help the work progress but it could be perceived by others as
>> representing group consensus.
>> So while we are happy for you to share your opinion, we urge working
>> group members to not view this spreadsheet as being the 'current state of
>> consensus' regarding these issues and to make sure they look at each
>> proposal with a critical eye, to help the group arrive at the best success
>> criteria it can.
>> Many thanks (as always) for your enthusiasm and efforts.
>> Thanks
>> Josh/AWK

Received on Thursday, 15 December 2016 21:11:15 UTC