Re: Re[2]: SC Managers and success criteria review

Hi Lisa

I believe there are 2 categories of requirements.

"Success Criteria shall:"


"Success Criteria should:"

My understand is that the "Shall" requirements are "must" have, and the
"should" statements are guidance. The sentence you quote is above the
entire requirements section, not on the "shall" section. I don't understand
why we would have a "shall" section and a "should" section if they are
*all* supposed to be "should" statements. However, I defer to the the
minutes and chairs for the final on this.

David MacDonald

*Can**Adapt* *Solutions Inc.*
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On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 1:18 PM, lisa.seeman <> wrote:

> Hi David
> It is also worth noting that these requirements were agreed on as guidance
> only  (At least that is what I remember)
>  "These requirements are provided as guidance to the WCAG Working
> Group...."
> If you want to use them as blanket acceptance criteria I think that needs
> to go though a consensus process.
> All the best
> Lisa Seeman
> LinkedIn <>, Twitter
> <>
> ---- On Thu, 15 Dec 2016 19:52:38 +0200 *David
> MacDonald< <>>* wrote ----
> That's right Joshue.
>  Any member who assumes it is a group consensus may not have been reading
> our emails or following the group discussion sufficiently, and since this
> is a group list I think it is important for members to follow along.
> I also think its important for members to take initiative and not feel
> intimidated to jump in and start working... so we can meet the Feb 23 First
> Public working draft deadline that the group has forced upon itself.
> The consensus on whether an SC passes the acceptance criteria would come
> from the surveys where these acceptance criteria would be polled from each
> member.
> Lisa these are short names for the conformance acceptance criteria ... so
> yes, they are the same.
> I have said "yes" for one that I am reasonably sure there will be
> consensus on. Otherwise I left them blank, waiting for the group's opinion,
> because I could not make a determination. It is not an indication of "fail"
> it is just that I cannot say that I believe words like "clearly" and
> "easily" are testable. The group may come to consensus on this, but they
> are huge changes ...
> Cheers,
> David MacDonald
> *Can**Adapt* *Solutions Inc.*
> Tel:  613.235.4902 <(613)%20235-4902>
> LinkedIn
> <>
> GitHub <>
> *  Adapting the web to all users*
> *            Including those with disabilities*
> If you are not the intended recipient, please review our privacy policy
> <>
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 11:59 AM, <
> > wrote:
> Hi David,
> Thanks for coming up with this way of looking at/presenting the candidate
> SCs, these suggestions are helpful and will be useful for this next
> important phase.
> We are a little concerned that the estimations recorded in this
> spreadsheet, such as in 'Details',  may be perceived as the consensus of
> the group.  We  believe that this is not your intention, and that you wish
> to help the work progress but it could be perceived by others as
> representing group consensus.
> So while we are happy for you to share your opinion, we urge working group
> members to not view this spreadsheet as being the 'current state of
> consensus' regarding these issues and to make sure they look at each
> proposal with a critical eye, to help the group arrive at the best success
> criteria it can.
> Many thanks (as always) for your enthusiasm and efforts.
> Thanks
> Josh/AWK

Received on Thursday, 15 December 2016 18:35:33 UTC