Re: Application of content profile ideas to specific content types

In answer to a question asked by Andi at the meeting, here are some
more clarifying examples:
Jason White writes:
 > The properties
 > 1. Non-text
 > 2. Time-dependent-presentation
 > 3. Visually-styled
 > 4. Auditory-presentation
 > 5. User-input
 > 6. Navigation-mechanism
 > 7. Page-metaphor
 > 8. Programmatic-user-interface

Example 7. A simple XHTML document that includes a script which is
executed when the user activates a link. The script causes a paragraph
to be inserted into the document. There are no style sheets or links
to other resources.

Profile: User-input, programmatic-user-interface

Example 8. The same as example 7, but with a CSS style sheet (for the
"screen" media type) added.
Profile: Visually-styled, user-input, programmatic-user-interface

Received on Friday, 10 September 2004 00:31:19 UTC