Application of content profile ideas to specific content types

Here are some examples of how the properties that I identified would apply
to different types of content. Note that the actual profile is specified
in terms of the properties listed in my earlier mail.

The properties

1. Non-text
2. Time-dependent-presentation
3. Visually-styled
4. Auditory-presentation
5. User-input
6. Navigation-mechanism
7. Page-metaphor
8. Programmatic-user-interface

Example 1. A simple XHTML document with no presentational attributes, no
style sheet, no links and no forms.

Profile: none (maybe there should be a property called "structured text"
or similar, at least to provide a label for such a case). Page-metaphor
doesn't apply because this is a single, isolated XHTML document. Many of
the success criteria don't apply in this case.

Example 2. The same as example 1, but with links and style sheets added.
The links refer to other XHTML documents.

Profile: Visually-styled, user-input, navigation-mechanism

Example 3. The same as example 2, but with images added.

Profile: Non-text, visually-styled, user-input, navigation-mechanism

Example 4. A collection of XHTML documents of the type described in
example 3.
Profile: Non-text, visually-styled, user-input, navigation-mechanism,

Example 4. A collection of XHTML, CSS, SVG and Javascript/Ecmascript which
interacts with the DOM to create a user interface. It is dynamically
updated depending on user actions and not separated into distinct "pages".
Profile: Non-text, visually-styled, user-input, possibly
navigation-mechanism, programmatic-user-interface

Note: whether this contains navigation mechanisms depends on how
navigation is defined and what the user interface provides.

Example 5. A SMIL presentation with auditory and visual tracks.
Profile: Non-text, time-dependent-presentation, visually-styled,

Example 6. An SVG image containing a script that causes changes to take
place whenever the user points to certain parts of the image.
Profile: Non-text, visually-styled, user-input,

Received on Wednesday, 1 September 2004 01:18:10 UTC