Re: Screen Reader and Bookmarking

Screen readers sit on top of another application, and present the output as
voice. Sometimes they also add new input or control functions. But generally
they rely on the underlying application. So bookmarking and so forth are left
to the individual browser, and the screen reader doesn't have any
functionality for it. (Nor is it relevant to screen readers).

Talking browsers such as WebSound, BrailleSurf, or Home Page Reader, will
have functions. Check the help documents...



On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, Lee Roberts wrote:

>What is the typical function to bookmark a page using the various screen
>Is there a keyboard function to set a page as one's home page using the
>various screen readers?  If there is, what is it?

Charles McCathieNevile  tel: +61 409 134 136
SWAD-E         fax(france): +33 4 92 38 78 22
 Post:   21 Mitchell street, FOOTSCRAY Vic 3011, Australia    or
 W3C, 2004 Route des Lucioles, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Wednesday, 31 March 2004 20:24:38 UTC