Issue Summaries for guidelines 1.4, 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3

The following notes relate to the proposal submitted earlier to combine 3.1,
3.2, 3.3, and 1.4. 


Issue 341 - 1.4 Level 2#1 Proposal.
FIXED: This is covered by our new proposed 3.1.

Issue 375 - Add a forward reference to additional details on an acronym
FIXED: No longer necessary since related guidelines have been combined.

Issue 406 - Misleading example in checkpoint. 
FIXED: The "page title" should be changed to the level one header at the top
of the page. 
Issue 442 - Combine 1.4 and 3.2.
FIXED: This is what we have done in our combination of checkpoints 1.4, 3.1,
3.2, and 3.3.

Issue 466 - Suggested changes to success criteria.
FIXED: This language was taken into account in our redraft of uber 3.1.

Issue 507 - Meaning of unambiguously is ambiguous to many.
FIXED: We have removed the subjective word unambiguously.

Issue 557 - Not clear what unambiguous decoding attempts to address. 
FIXED: We've redrafted this for clarity.

Issue 606 - Proposed wording for guideline 1.4.
FIXED: This is overcome by events since 1.4 has been combined with 3.1, 3.2,
and 3.3.

Issue 607 - Proposed wording for guideline 1.4 success criteria one. 
FIXED: This success criteria has been restructured in the new 3.1.

Issue 608 - Rewording for guidelines 1.4 level two item two. 
Fixed - overcome by events - this concept was removed in this proposal.

Issue 673 - Include Unicode in glossary.
FIXED: Reference to be added to glossary per notes in proposal.


Issue 172 - Checkpoint about use of standard character set. 
FIXED:  We added a definition of "text" and a note to 1.1 to define text as
text which can be translated into Unicode.

Issue 355 - Move 3.1 to extended?
FIXED: We are rewording it so that it is all part of a new checkpoint which
has all three levels. (Note: there are no more "extended" checkpoints).

Issue 417 - Other mechanisms to identify primary language. 
Transfer to techniques.  In connection with the proposed approach would be
the development of tools to help authors in marking up their pages properly.
One of these tools could include a language recognition tool that could
automatically identify natural language of pages. On the other hand, if
somebody is invoking a tool on the page, it would be a simple matter to ask
them to pick the name of the primary language off a list while they're at
it. This issue should be handled under techniques.

Issue 469 - Checkpoint text rewording. 
FIXED: We have combined the three and reworded them.

Issue 567 - Support for accessibility issues with marking language. 
FIXED: This comment again was based on the Access Board that felt that this
was a usability issue and that language tags were not widely supported.  The
current guideline is much broader than simply identification of language.

Issue 645 - Propose wording for 3.1 success criteria one. 
FIXED: All of this text has been restructured in the new guideline. 

Issue 646 - Propose wording for 3.1 success criteria two.
FIXED: This wording is taken into account in our new wording.

Issue 696 - Identifying natural language.
FIXED: This issue is redundant with issues 417 and 567.

Issue 749 - Guideline summary for language guideline 3.1.
CLOSED: This issue is closed with this note. 


Issue 330 - Change "unambiguously" to "first listing". 
FIXED: We removed unambiguously as part of language as well as "first

Issue 418 - Need to clarify "cascading dictionary" and "unabridged
FIXED: No longer referring to unabridged dictionaries and cascading
dictionary will be defined.  

Issue 456 - Comments on term definitions.
FIXED: Comment requested that there be definitions for unfamiliar terms and
this is provided. 

Issue 464 - Suggest use of LINK element for linking to glossaries in (x)
OPEN: Move to techniques.  This comment should be moved to our list of
suggested things to include in techniques.

Issue 470 - Merge abbreviation expansion to perceivable.
FIXED: We actually merged perceivable (e.g. 1.4) to understanding since this
does not have to do with perceiving, but rather understanding.

Issue 479 - First (likely) time a word appears?
FIXED: We've eliminated the "first time it appears" language. 

Issue 493 - How is summary related to unambiguous presentation of
FIXED: This language has been removed from the proposed guideline. 

Issue 512 - SC mismatch with checkpoint text. 
FIXED: The language in question has been removed and updated.

Issue 568 - Expanding abbreviations helps everyone not an accessibility
FIXED: This was a comment from the Access Board which currently doesn't
include any cognitive checkpoints as part of its access guidelines.  It is
true that all cognitive guidelines as well as guidelines for language and
learning disabilities would benefit all users.  But this is actually also
true for almost all accessibility guidelines.  It becomes an accessibility
guideline if it is something which does not prevent regular users from using
a page but would prevent individuals with cognitive disabilities, poor
memory, etc.

Issue 647 - Proposed wording for guideline 3.2.
FIXED: With collapse of 3.2 into our uber 3.1.

Issue 698 - Comment on 3.2.
FIXED: This is exactly what we are proposing including in both the inline as
well as associated definitions.  This point also mentioned audio.  In issue
case, the audio would be accompanied by a transcript and the transcript
would all be in the glossary so all of the audio would also have associated
definitions although they would not be linked directly to the audio.  (But
they're not linked directly to the text either except in the case of the
inline explanations).

Issue 699 -  implications of "first occurrence"
FIXED: This is handled by the current wording. 

Issue 700 - examples of ambiguous contracted words?
Still open.


Issue 381 - Miscellaneous editorial suggestions for 3.3.
FIXED: These terms have been removed. 

Issue 382 - Include non-text sounds in 3.3.
FIXED: There is no provision in the guidelines for providing audio
equivalents for printed information.  Guideline 1.1 provides it in a form
that can be made audio but providing audio tracks or providing assistive
technologies is not part of what is being recommended for standard websites.

Issue 419 - Checkpoint text (content/complexity) difficult to understand. 
FIXED: Checkpoint has been rewritten to be easier to understand. 

Issue 420 - Definition of ERASCII ART.
FIXED: Definition of nontext content has been modified to address this

Issue 421 - Don't discourage the use of illustrations.
FIXED: The reference to caution in using illustrations has been removed. 

Issue 430 - Proposal 3:  Checkpoint 3.3.
FIXED: Recommendations were taken into consideration in creating the new
text wording. 

Issue 480 - Wording problem with checkpoint text.
FIXED: The offending language has been removed. 

Issue 495 - How to evaluate complexity of content.
Still open.  This is just a long discussion about complexity.  No specific
recommendations are made.  Leaving it open as a general discussion point. 

Issue 513 - Change supplement to supplemented.
FIXED: This is an editorial item and is handled in the restructuring and

Issue 569 - Writing style is subjective. 
FIXED: In the rewrite we've tried to remove subjective items such as writing
style from the success criteria. 

Issue 648 - Proposed wording for guideline 3.3.
FIXED: This language was taken into consideration in creating the new joint

Issue 701 - Issues with 3.3 as a requirement.
FIXED: We have removed the "this content has been reviewed" since it is not
testable without some type of certification. 

Issue 702 - Ambiguity of examples.  
Still open.  

Issue 748 - Applicability of success criteria.
FIXED: This asked that we determine which items from the list of 3.3 would
apply across all sites and separate those from those that are less widely
applicable.  This was done in our redraft. 

Issue 649 - Propose rewording for 3.3 level two.
FIXED: These concepts have been incorporated into our proposal.

Issue 650 - proposed rewording for 3.3 strategies
Remains FIXED per plain language proposals referenced by the proposal and
available in appendix E of the Feb. 14, 2004 draft.

Ben Caldwell | <>
Trace Research and Development Center <>   

Received on Tuesday, 17 February 2004 19:17:12 UTC