Re: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), W3C Pages and Macs

> I tested the links or one link from today's Techniques Audio Conference
> ([15]

and I don't know what that's all about, but it is not valid HTML.


One of those eat-your-own-vegan-dogfood things.

The CSS validates, though, if you can dig around to find the right URL.


> I recall some months back, we discussed the importance of assuring that web
> accessibility cross the operating system divide and we needed to look at how
> things render on Macs.

1. Write valid code
2. Tweak for known incompatibilities in target browsers

Action 2 above includes Macs and various other platforms, of course.

For both 1 and 2, read _Designing with Web Standards_ by Zeldman, among
many other widely-available sources.

A *lot* of people working in Web accessibility use Macintosh or are
outright Macintosh separatists. I do not think WAI is in much of a
position to use its own invalid documents as models of CSS-based design,


  Joe Clark  |
  Author, _Building Accessible Websites_
  <> | <>

Received on Thursday, 28 August 2003 20:25:44 UTC