Re: WCAG 2.0 Checkpoint "Handles" or Short Names

Good work Giorgio!
I suggest a little change for "media equivalenti sincronizzati" with
"Equivalente per i media sincronizzati", because the object of the point is
that there is a need of an equivalent (text, audio, ...) for the sincronized

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Giorgio Brajnik" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2003 1:46 PM
Subject: RE: WCAG 2.0 Checkpoint "Handles" or Short Names

> My suggestion for the short names of wcag20 checkpoints.
>         Giorgio Brajnik
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Dip. di Matematica e Informatica   | voice: +39 (0432) 55.8445
> Universita` di Udine               | fax:   +39 (0432) 55.8499
> Via delle Scienze, 206             | email:
> Loc. Rizzi -- 33100 Udine -- ITALY |


> Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 - "handles"
> Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 - "handles"
> annotated by Giorgio Brajnik on July 13 2003 with addition of English and
Italian handles.
> Rationale: I thought of a user LIFT that can see these short names as
references for the checkpoints. I would like these short names to keep as
much meaning as possible, and actually express something (like 'keyboard
operable' rather than just 'keyboard').
> 1.1 [CORE] All non-text content that can be expressed in words has a text
equivalent of the function or information that the non-text content was
intended to convey. [was 1.1]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg Text Equivalents --- 
>       GB Text equivalents Equivalenti testuali
> 1.2 [CORE] Synchronized media equivalents are provided for time-dependent
presentations. [was 1.2]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg synchronized equivalents --- 
>       GB equivalent synchronized media media equivalenti sincronizzati
> 1.3 [CORE] Both [information/substance] and structure are separable from
presentation. [was 1.3]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg separable from presentation (or just separable) --- 
>       GB separable presentation presentazione separabile
> 1.4 [CORE] All characters and words in the content can be unambiguously
decoded. [was 1.6]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg decodable --- 
>       GB decodable characters caratteri decodificabili
> 1.5 [EXTENDED] Structure has been made perceivable to more people through
presentation(s), positioning, and labels. [was 1.4]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg emphasize structure --- 
>       GB perceivable structure struttura percepibile
> 1.6 [EXTENDED] Foreground content is easily differentiable from background
for both auditory and visual default presentations. [was 1.5]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg fore/background --- 
>       GB differentiable fore/background primo piano/sfondo differenziabili
> 2.1 [CORE] All functionality is operable at a minimum through a keyboard
or a keyboard interface. [was 2.1]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg keyboard --- 
>       GB keyboard operable utilizzabile da tastiera
> 2.2 [CORE] Users can control any time limits on their reading,
interaction, or responses unless control is not possible due to nature of
real time events or competition. [was 2.2]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg time limits --- 
>       GB controllable time limits limiti temporali controllabili
> 2.3 [CORE] User can avoid experiencing screen flicker. [was 2.3]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg flicker --- 
>       GB avoidable flicker sfarfallamento evitabile
> 2.4 [EXTENDED] Structure and/or alternate navigation mechanisms have been
added to facilitate orientation and movement in content. [was 3.1 and 3.2]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg orientation --- 
>       GB structured content contenuto strutturato
> 2.5 [EXTENDED] Methods are provided to minimize error and provide graceful
recovery. [was 3.5]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg Errors --- 
>       GB minimized errors errori minimizzati
> 3.1 [CORE] Language of content can be programmatically determined.[was 1.6
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg language ID --- 
>       GB determinable language lingua determinabile
> 3.2 [EXTENDED] The definition of abbreviations and acronyms can be
unambiguously determined. [was 4.3]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg abbrevs etc --- 
>       GB unambiguous abbreviations abbreviazioni non ambigue
> 3.3 [EXTENDED] Content is written to be no more complex than is necessary
and/or supplement with simpler forms of the content.   [was 4.1 and 4.2]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg complexity --- 
>       GB simple content contenuto semplice
> 3.4 [EXTENDED] Layout and behavior of content is consistent or
predictable, but not identical. [was 3.3 and 3.4]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg predictable layout --- 
>       GB content consistency coerenza del contenuto
> 4.1 [CORE] Technologies are used according to specification [was 5.1]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg specs and stds --- 
>       GB standards (I'd like a 2-term phrase like 'satisfied standards',
but this one is not nice enough) standard soddisfatti
> 4.2 [EXTENDED] Technologies that are relied upon by the content are
declared and widely available.[was 5.2]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg legacy --- 
>       GB popular technologies tecnologie diffuse
> 4.3 [EXTENDED] Technologies used for presentation and user interface
support accessibility or alternate versions of the content are provided that
do support accessibility.[was 5.3 and 5.4]
>      English Italian
>       Katie, Gregg accessible or alternative --- 
>       GB accessible technologies tecnologie accessibili

Received on Sunday, 13 July 2003 08:00:34 UTC