REF 3.2 Change "unambiguously" to "first listing".


REF  3.2  Change "unambiguously" to "first listing".


We currently state that acronyms and abbreviations must appear unambiguously
in unabridged dictionaries.  Unabridged dictionaries can have so many
different words and phrases that I'm not sure that unambiguously is
sufficient.  It may be too tough a test.


I suggest instead that we simply say that if it is not the "first" item in
standard unabridged dictionaries for the language, then it should be
expanded.  That would change the first (and only) checkpoint to read:


Acronyms and abbreviations do not appear first in standard unabridged
dictionaries for the language or define the first time the first time they
appear or are available in a glossary on the site.



Received on Thursday, 10 July 2003 13:54:25 UTC