Some more Editorial Items


These got cut off of the listing I posted earlier.




Item 19 - REFERENCE 3.2 Best Practice Item #1


Suggest that it be made a little more explicit as to where this list is.
Therefore, suggest that item number 1 be changed to read:


"A list is provide ON THE PAGE OR HOMEPAGE of URIs."


Also should add an editorial note at the end of this one saying 


[editorial note: we need to specify the format if this is to be useful]



Item 20 - REFERENCE 3.3


The form of the verbs changes in the middle of the 3.3 checkpoint.  The


"and/or supplement with"


should be changed to:


"and/or is supplemented with".




Item 21 - REFERENCE  4.2


4.2 states that, "The web resource includes a list of the technologies users
must have in order for its content to work as intended".  Since HTML is a
technology and this is not the intent here, suggest that after the phrase
"list of the technologies" we include a parenthetical:


(other than standard HTML)





Received on Thursday, 10 July 2003 13:54:25 UTC