
Thursday, 8 August, 2000 UTC (4 PM US Eastern, 10 PM France, 6 AM
Eastern Australia) on +1-617-761-6200 passcode 9224.


1. Principles for allocating success criteria among the three
   conformance levels:

See also the proposed consensus items at
(these aren't expected to be controversial as they reflect choices
already taken by the group).

2. Level 2 assurance requirements:

3. Checklist generation (combining guidelines with technology-specific
   material from techniques documents). What should be included in
   checklists and how should they be created?

4. Checkpoint 5.3 (issue raised last week). How can the success
   criteria be defined more precisely? Is there an overlap with
   checkpoint 5.2 (see checkpoint 5.3, success criterion 3)?

5. Checkpoints 1.3 and 3.1: the principles are distinct, but there
   appears to be an overlap in the success criteria themselves which
   should be corrected. Also, surely a "linear reading order" should
   be at levels 1 or 2?

Any items in this list not considered at the meeting will be placed on
next week's agenda.

Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2002 03:13:33 UTC