RE: What determines what goes in level 1, 2, 3 etc as success criteria

I'm confused with the terminology here.  "The site
reviewed..."?  Should we say, "The site content
was reviewed ..."?

Level 2:
"The user asserts..."?  Perhaps, "The developer or
designer asserts..."?

I'm still with the feeling that DOCTYPE should be
in Level 1 success criteria.  Additionally, I
think LANG should be placed in Level 1 simply
because we would want the screen readers to read
the information correctly and not arbitrarily.
These two items are easily placed into every site
and can make it easier for the screen readers to
do their jobs.

Lee Roberts
  “the site  reviewed the content with the
objectives below in mind”


   “The site asserts that they reviewed the
content with the objectives below in mind”

  Or level 2 that are

  “ the user asserts they considered this and did
the best they felt was possible and appropriate.”

  But we don’t want to have checkpoints that don’t
have any testable measures that can be applied
across sites (or we make some sites that cannot
claim any conformance since L1 is minimum)

  AND – we don’t want to take some checkpoints off
the table for L1 (or they might not even show up
on people’s todo list).

  Your thoughts?


  Gregg Vanderheiden Ph.D.
  Ind Engr - Biomed - Trace,  Univ of Wis


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Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2002 02:21:30 UTC