Clear and simple writing

One of the breakout groups at the recent face to face in Melbourne (including
me, Lisa Seeman, Rob Pedlow from Telstra and Graham Oliver from AccEase) was
working on making text clear and simple, and how we could produce actual
measurable success criteria - without these there is no checkpoint.

Although this is a tricky area, and the four of us aren't the world's
greatest experst, we came up with some ideas, which I have written up in the
following page:

I think that represents what we agreed on, but there is stuff that is missing
from that still.



Charles McCathieNevile  phone: +61 409 134 136
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative    fax: +1 617 258 5999
Location: 21 Mitchell street FOOTSCRAY Vic 3011, Australia
(or W3C INRIA, Route des Lucioles, BP 93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France)

Received on Saturday, 24 November 2001 01:44:52 UTC