the changes

Here are the changes  suggested by William, with the exemption of
"gathering"  [from 3.5]"...provide abbreviated labels..." [from
expansions for abbreviations and acronyms..." were I felt it was separate
I am now handing in back to Wendy and Jason.


3, Design for ease of comprehension

3.1 Use a consistent style of presentation that will facilitate
comprehension of the content.
The purpose of presentation is to communicate the meaning of the content, as
effectively as possible. Thus, to aid understanding, it is vital that the
structure and semantics of the content be readily apparent from the
presentational conventions chosen by the author.

Use color, styles, and graphics to emphasize the structure of the document,
and to aid the user's ability to:
a)	orient himself within the document,
b)	focus on the important elements of the document,
c)	differentiate between a key element and the explanatory or supplementary
3.2 Divide large blocks of information into more manageable groups where
natural and appropriate.
For example,
 a) Divide user interface controls into logically organized groups. Use
headings, paragraphs, lists etc., appropriately to communicate relationships
among items, topics or ideas.
b) Paragraphs and sections should have clear, accurate, and informative
c) Processing information can further made manageable by limiting each
paragraph to one main idea. The topic of the paragraph can be specified
(within a tag?) at the beginning of the sentence.
3.3 Use the clearest and simplest language appropriate for a site's content.
This guideline is intended to facilitate comprehension of the content by all
readers, especially those with cognitive disabilities. It should not be
interpreted as discouraging the expression of complex or technical ideas.
Authors should however strive for clarity and simplicity in their writing,
and review the text with these considerations in mind prior to publication
on the web.
3.4 Supplement text with graphic or auditory presentations where they will
facilitate comprehension of the content.
Auditory and graphical presentations can do much for improving the
comprehensibility of a Web site, especially to people with cognitive
disabilities or to those who are unfamiliar with the language in which the
textual content is written. Particularly helpful are clear, uncluttered,
minimalist diagrams representing the association and relationships between
different ideas.
In contrast, diagrams that are designed to represent multiple layers of
ideas, are often cluttered and confusing.
Note that material provided in auditory or visual forms must also be
available as text (see guideline 1.1).
3.5 Use headings, labels and titles appropriately to identify structurally
significant divisions within the content.
For example:
a)	Use headings to identify important topics
b)	Use headings to identify subdivisions
c)	Label table headers,
d)	Label user interface controls
e)	Label complex structures within the content.
Note that in addition to full, descriptive labels, it may also be
appropriate, in designing complex structures such as tables and forms, to
provide abbreviated labels which can be used when the content is rendered on
small displays or via speech output.
3.6 Provide an overview or summary of highly structured materials, such as
tables and groups of user interface controls.
A structure should be considered complex, if it is not immediately obvious
what each piece of information is, and the reason for its position within
the structure.
Insinuations and trends that are intended to be identified by analyzing the
structure, should be explicitly stated in the summary.
3.7 Define key terms, and provide expansions for abbreviations and acronyms,
which should be identified using appropriate markup.
Note: only the first occurrence of an abbreviation or acronym occurring in a
document need be expanded. Expansion dictionaries, for instance in metadata,
may be provided as an alternative to an expansion in the text of a document.

3.8 Minimize content that will interfere with the user’s ability to focus.
Animations and banners frequently disorient the user and interfere with the
user’s ability to focus from the main content of the page.
This can be improved by:
a)	Restricting these items to one section of the page to help the user
retain focus.
b)	For a content-filled site, providing an optional banner-free view".
4, Design for ease of browsing and navigation

4.1 Provide clear and consistent navigation mechanisms throughout a document
or web site.
Such navigational mechanisms may include logically organized groups of
hypertext links, an overview or table of contents, a site map (with an
appropriate textual equivalent; see guideline 1.1), an index, etc. To help
the User’s navigate, navigational mechanism should be:
a)	easy to locate within the over-all structure of the content.
b)	consistent across web pages or related documents.
c)	contain links that are placed on a phrase that explains the link, and not
on generic phrases.
 Navigation techniques can also be employed to help the user skim a
document, examples of this includes inpage anchors at each heading, grouping
collections of links and allowing them to be bypassed.

4.2 If search functions are provided by a web site, enable different types
of searches for different skill levels and preferences.
elaborating text.?
4.3 Avoid methods that interfere with navigation.
Practices that can disorient a visitor include
a)	automatic refresh,
b)	redirecting,
c)	opening a new browser window,
d)	frames that mess up the "back" functionality offered by browsers.

To improve this situation, use the name attribute to title  each  frame for
orientation, avoid opening new windows, and always use a readable document
as the frame source.

 Note: (See guideline 1.1) Ensure that all links have a textual equivalents.
Examples include buttons and clickable images. Image maps should be defined
client side. Use the "alt" parameter on all <area> tags. A server side image
map should have alternative links. For example: alt="Server side site map,
text links will follow".

Received on Friday, 22 September 2000 07:27:39 UTC