Re: Agenda

At 08:10 PM 9/20/2000 , Jason White wrote:
>The current working draft of the generalized guidelines is my latest
>version as distributed on the mailing list and linked to the home page.

Can you refer me to this?  I found one linked which is dated
August 23 and Wendy sent a URI
to the list on the 15th titled "Jason's latest draft"

However, both of these only go up to guideline/section #5.  In
the teleconference there were multiple questions about whether
or not something should go in "section three or section six"
and this is confusing because I can't find where section six
is defined.

>The technology-specific material has not been reworked and incorporated
>into the latest draft, as none of the editors has found time this week to
>undertake this work. 

Is there anything in specific that I can do to help?  I'm a fair
editor and writer, and I love doing things like reshuffling and
rewriting guidelines.


Kynn Bartlett  <>          
Director of Accessibility, Edapta     
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet
AWARE Center Director            
Accessibility Roundtable Web Broadcast 
What's on my bookshelf?               

Received on Thursday, 21 September 2000 17:46:47 UTC