Re: Guide to Guidelines


   Kynn, this is like saying that music that doesn't rock the pictures
on the wall isn't music ....

On Tue, 12 Sep 2000 13:08:43 -0700
 Kynn Bartlett <> wrote:
> However, this illustrates a fundamental problem with the animation
> itself -- if it _doesn't_ stand out, and if it _can't_ be noticed 
> as animated, then it's not a good design element.  The purpose of
> using animation, on the web, is to _make something stand out_.  If
> an animation fails to do this, then it's clearly gratuitous!
> --Kynn, pretending he's a web designer

There are times when you want an design element to blast out at the
user, but there are times when you want it to be subtle, noticed only
in the review of details ... William achieved this by embedding the
animations in a stationary bar that diminished the "flash" of the
animations so they didn't blast at you, but were there when you looked
back for details ... 

Kynn, sublety is NEVER bad design ...
                     Anne Pemberton

Received on Saturday, 16 September 2000 20:24:56 UTC