Financial factors - benefits

Ref: Increased Site Use
1. Another approach to implement Natasha's idea is to  clearly distinguishbenefits under two headings along the lines of:
- increased audience   reach among PWD/AT users/seniors ... the category that is supposed to benefit  from WCAG etc.
So the  later half of the content under "Increased site use" can be moved here.
- increase general Website usability
2.  I suppose the words "In addition to the direct cost benefits addressed above, can be dropped.
3.   It is not appropriate to say "realize direct and indirect cost benefits ". Suggest that it be replaced with "realize direct and indirect financial
benefits " in
"most organizations realize direct and indirect cost benefits from increased Web site use."
4. Consider adding  customer support services as an example under the para that begins "Increasingly, Web sites are used to cut costs...".
5. Another term for effective usage: intense use / encouraged to explore  the site's features / offerings.
6.  Need to include following as a benefit:
Coding to accessibility guidelines requires  adoption of  technologies which have accessibility features and interoperate with other accessible Web technologies.
 ... so less likely that it becomes   obsolete because  it cannot integrate?  ... (consider restating / rewording this idea if  it is valid)
(Outreach: Last week  at a corporate presentation I was at, the company's top execs just bought the "right thing to do" argument as they perceived it was
in line with their values, leadership position  and  their image as a customer/market responsive / friendly company.)
Thanks for your time,
Sailesh Panchang
Senior Accessibility Engineer 
Deque Systems,11180  Sunrise Valley Drive, 
4th Floor, Reston VA 20191
Tel: 703-225-0380 Extension 105 
Fax: 703-225-0387
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Received on Monday, 27 October 2003 09:37:35 UTC