Re: Document "Evaluating websites"

This is a good suggestion Henk, but I tend to favour your last point - make
a separate document - or this one will never see the 'official' light of

Lets sign poff on this current document and get it out there for people to
start using (yes, I know they already are, but lets give it official
status) and then add a new item to our work plan - "techniques for
evaluating websites for Single-A conformance" and its partner - "techniques
for evaluating websites for Double-A conformance". May even be a third in
the series if we were to work faster than the WCAG 2.0 folk!

Dr Andrew Arch
Manager, Internet Product Development
Vision Australia Foundation
Ph 613 9864 9222; Fax 613 9864 9210
Mobile 0438 755 565

Member, Education & Outreach Working Group,
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

                      Snetselaar"              To:                                                      
                      <H.Snetselaar@ba         cc:                                                                             
            >              Subject: Document "Evaluating websites"                                         
                      Sent by:                                                                                                 
                      07-06-02 19:49                                                                                           

Hi all,

I am kind of scary writing this, because the document "Evaluation Web Sites
for Accessibility" has already a big status. It is also a good document,
but I have some questions.

It is a fact and a good thing to realize that most of the passed
legislation in several countries, for web site accessibility, is based on
compliance with WCAG  priority 1 or 1 and 2.
That means that web sites have to comply with the checkpoints of these WCAG
1.0 priorities and that many web sites must be evaluated whether they are
compliant with WCAG or not.

Shouldn't we make the document "Evaluating Web Site for Accessibility" more
clear on how to evaluate a web site observing these checkpoints. Shouldn't
we even make a document that clearly explains how to evaluate the
compliance of each and all the checkpoint of the WCAG 1.0 applicable

Henk Snetselaar

H. Snetselaar
Bartimeus Educational Institute for the Blind and Partially Sighted
Utrechtseweg 84, 3702 AD  Zeist, the Netherlands
Tel: +31-(0)30-6982211 or +31(0)30-6982350
Fax: +31-(0)30-6982347
Website: and

Received on Friday, 7 June 2002 08:39:46 UTC