Are all scenarios succesful? if so, then why are we here?

I do not feel it is necessarily appropriate to give positive outcomes in all 
the scenarios. We can say there is much to be done.
Learning disability naturally represents a range of ability.

The supermarket scenario is realistic, if only for a very small percentage of 
the most able. I have requested further information regarding what facts it 
was based on, as it could represent a great motivator.

My clients (~100 seen every week) have problems navigating the web: 
navigating and finding information is extremely complex. 

None the less, i do feel that music sites, that provide small pictures of 
stars, with links, music videos, and sound tracks, are doing much to enable 
our clients to enjoy  their experience.

Jonathan Chetwynd
Learning Difficulties teacher(IT)

Received on Saturday, 6 January 2001 16:28:35 UTC