Re: 2. Scenarios of People with Disabilities Using the Web


At 10:33 PM 1/4/01 +0000, jonathan chetwynd wrote:
>Are we keen to limit this to five selections?

I don't understand your question. There are eight sections of the document,
and eight scenarios also.

>I'd like to contribute a student's positive experience of the web.

We decided at recent meetings not to add more scenarios, but to wrap up the
document by completing the scenarios we had already drafted, and then
circulate it for comment and try to get it published soon. Please look at
the scenarios already at


>Jonathan Chetwynd
>Learning Difficulties teacher(IT)
Judy Brewer    +1.617.258.9741
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) International Program Office
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIT/LCS Room NE43-355, 200 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA,  02139,  USA

Received on Friday, 5 January 2001 01:02:05 UTC