- From: <Brian_Hardy@visionaustralia.org.au>
- Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 13:25:02 +1100
- To: "Kathleen Anderson" <kathleen@spiderwebwoman.com>
- cc: Andrew_Arch%AFTB@tnpn.net.au, w3c-wai-eo@w3.org
Kathleen Isn't it wonderful to be separated by a common language. Peak bodies in Australia are associations of industries or groups, generally established for the purposes of developing common standards, or processes or taking action which is common to all members or lobbying government or promoting the interests of the members. So they include groups like the one's Andrew has sent you, but there are hundreds across Australia, wherever people have a common interest. They include peak bodies of people with disabilities, trade unions, employers, legal centres, doctors, accountants and so on. Within the commercial sector they play an important role in allowing competing companies (like banks) to meet to discuss common issues without the risk breeching the Trade Practices legislation the outlaws collusion between competitors which would affect the operation of a free market. I hope that helps Regartds Brian Hardy Vision Australia Foundation |--------+-----------------------------> | | "Kathleen Anderson"| | | <kathleen@spiderweb| | | woman.com> | | | | | | 11/04/01 09:58 AM | | | Please respond to | | | "Kathleen Anderson"| | | | |--------+-----------------------------> >-----------------------------------------------------------| | | | To: Andrew Arch@AFTB, w3c-wai-eo@w3.org | | cc: (bcc: Brian Hardy/Kooyong/AFTB) | | Subject: Re: Company Accessibility Policies | >-----------------------------------------------------------| Andrew: I'll take a look at the sites, but, at the risk of being "hemispheric", what is a Peak body? :-) ~ Kathleen Anderson Spider Web Woman Designs http://www.spiderwebwoman.com email: kathleen@spiderwebwoman.com ----- Original Message ----- From: <Andrew_Arch@visionaustralia.org.au> To: <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org> Sent: April 10, 2001 7:20 PM Subject: Re: Company Accessibility Policies > > > Kathleen/Harvey, > > Should we should consider promoting lead organisations (or Peak bodies) with > policies too? We have a number in Australia with accessibility policies (incl > the web), eg: > > Law Foundation - http://www.lawfoundation.net.au/olap/access/web_access.html > EdNA - > http://www.edna.edu.au/edna/publish/system/edures/access_guidelines/access_g uidelines.html > Bankers Assoc - http://www.bankers.asn.au/ & > http://www.bankers.asn.au/2603016.htm > > Cheers, Andrew > _________________________________ > Andrew Arch > Vision Australia Foundation > http://www.visionaustralia.org.au/ > > > > |--------+----------------------------------> > | | "Kathleen Anderson" | > | | <kathleen.anderson@po.st| > | | ate.ct.us> | > | | | > | | 31/03/01 01:50 | > | | Please respond to | > | | "Kathleen Anderson" | > | | | > |--------+----------------------------------> > >-----------------------------------------------------| > | | > | To: "EOWG" <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org>, "Harvey | > | Bingham" <hbingham@acm.org> | > | cc: (bcc: Andrew Arch/Kooyong/AFTB) | > | Subject: Re: Company Accessibility | > | Policies | > >-----------------------------------------------------| > > > > > > > Harvey: > Sounds good. If people want to send me the company names, and links, if you > have them, I can start keeping a list. > Two links, actually - one to the company, and one to their policy, if it is > available on the web. > Thanks, > Kathleen Anderson, Webmaster > Office of the State Comptroller > 55 Elm Street > Hartford, Connecticut 06106 > voice: 860.702.3355 fax: 860.702.3634 > e-mail: kathleen.anderson@po.state.ct.us > URL: http://www.osc.state.ct.us/ > URL ACCESS: http://www.cmac.state.ct.us/access/ > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Harvey Bingham <hbingham@acm.org> > To: EOWG <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org> > Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 10:34 AM > Subject: Company Accessibility Policies > > > > We should put together an original list of companies with such policies, > > and then send to the W3C member organizations, to invite all to add > > their own. > > > > Regards/Harvey Bingham > > > > > > > > > > >
Received on Tuesday, 10 April 2001 22:30:27 UTC